The Worn-Out Cassette Tape

Jack Parker and I are going to have some good Trapper Creek stories and music to share with you in the coming months, but for this post I'm bringing it back to one thing: the cassette tape. Truth is, opportunities to actually hear the band were pretty limited--they were only a thing for a few years in the early '80s when we were little kids. But this tape that my family purchased at some point, well, we wore that thing out and kept coming back to it. In some ways the big Trapper Creek project this year is essentially opening an old box, pulling out a magical cassette that we almost forgot about, breathing new life into it...and maybe into ourselves a little as well. 

At least that's the starting point. I was thrilled to chat with Mike Wagoner on the phone last week (he's the guy on the top) to let him know what we're doing and to hear some stories. That conversation is for future posts. Much more to come.

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