A Back to School Poem

Got a couple kids starting a new year of school tomorrow (anyone else?). Here's a little poem I wrote for them last year on this exciting night, which I now dare say is a family tradition:

Twas the night before school
When you still weren't ready
Despite months to prepare
And reminders aplenty

You watched your last shows
And held on to each second
And savored the evening
Until bedtime beckoned

It was almost too much
To be done with your summer
So long, but how quickly it
Ends with a bummer

Tomorrow cannot
Be escaped, it seems
You'll enter the school
The bell will ring,

Your friends will be there
Your enemies, too
You'll be nervous all day
You'll try not to poo

But you'll make it somehow
Like you always do
And come home to some folks
Who really missed you (and you)

And when we ask how it went
You'll say it went fine
The non-answer you give us
Every time

And we'll try to get more
While playing it cool
But you never say much
When you come home from school.

But whatever, that's life.
It'll all be alright.
Just know that we love you.
And with that, good night.

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